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Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes In My Del Rio Yard?

Serving Del Rio, Eagle Pass & Surrounding Areas
mosquito filled with blood on human skin

An estimated 80 different species of mosquitoes exist throughout Texas today. Along with Florida, Texas is home to far more mosquito species than all other U.S. states. Based on the weather and other environmental conditions, some regions of Texas will experience mosquito seasons that extend for more than nine months in many years. In 1961, the state formally established the Texas Mosquito Control Association (T.M.C.A.) to develop and encourage organized mosquito control activity in all 254 counties. 

Property owners often unknowingly allow conditions that accommodate mosquitoes to exist in their yard areas. The majority of those bitten by a mosquito only tend to experience mild, skin-related irritation. However, these creatures may pose significantly more harmful health risks. 

Are you searching for the best way to get rid of mosquitoes outside? Fortunately, a Del Rio pest control professional understands the behavior of mosquitoes, what attracts them, and the various ways to repel mosquitoes.

What Are Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are small flying pests that typically measure about ¼ of an inch and thrive in areas with immediate access to standing freshwater. 

Male mosquitoes in Del Rio consume a diet of exclusively plant-based materials; however, females penetrate the skin of humans and animals using a unique mouthpart device, which allows for extracting blood-containing proteins that promote egg development. 

Are mosquitoes insects? Yes. Mosquitoes are a rather common insect. The commonalities among all insects are bodily characteristics such as having both segmented bodies and legs, uniformity on the right and left side (bilateral evenness), and an external skeletal support structure rather than bones (exoskeletons).  Further, mosquitoes are insects belonging to the Diptera order with other “true flies” that include those with only one pair of wings. 

What do baby mosquitoes look like? Mosquitoes progress through a four-stage development cycle as follows: 

  • Egg: After consuming a blood meal, female mosquitoes will generate eggs and deposit them in water or areas of soil that will soon hold water after rainfall. 
  • Larva: Mosquito eggs soon hatch, and worm-like larvae called “wrigglers” emerge. 
  • Pupa: After molting, mosquito larvae progress into a phase as pupae called “tumblers.”
  • Adult: Once the mosquito's wings harden, the adults will fly away. 

How long do mosquitoes live? Male mosquitoes only live for roughly one week, while the life span of females ranges from a few weeks to several months. Female mosquitoes commonly lay hundreds of eggs in a lifetime. 

How Dangerous Are Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are a concern among public health agencies, as these pests may promote diseases including encephalitis, dengue fever, dog heartworm, and others. When biting victims, female mosquitoes often have exposure to pathogens, which they can spread to others. 

To prevent mosquito bites in Del Rio, property owners should wear long-sleeved shirts and full-length pants, limiting exposed skin areas. The E.P.A. maintains a list of safe and effective repellants, such as those containing DEET or IR3535, that you might find in topical formulas such as sprays or lotions. 

What Is Attracting Mosquitoes To My Yard?

After reaching adulthood, most mosquito species remain close to their site of origin, meaning that the mosquito problem in your yard may get progressively worse if appealing property conditions exist. Because most mosquito eggs develop in stagnant water, remove objects such as pots, tarps, kiddie pools, or other items that may hold water. You should also regularly clear debris from gutters and downspouts to allow for adequately diverting water away from the structure. 

What's The Best Way To Keep Mosquitoes Away From My Yard?

Are you wondering how to get rid of mosquitoes? Professional pest control is the way to go. After contacting Gold Star Exterminators, one of our qualified specialists can visit the premises and assess the concerns regarding mosquitoes. We will identify sites that likely serve as breeding grounds and explain the best treatment options. 

Contact our office today to learn more.