Mosquito Identification & Prevention
What You Need To Know About Mosquitoes

Use the following guides to learn about mosquitoes, why they take over our Del Rio yards, and how to keep them at bay. Mosquitoes are dangerous pests that shouldn't feel comfortable in our yards.
Frequently Asked Questions About Mosquitoes
What Are Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are small flying insects that live throughout most of the world. Their populations are highest in regions with humid, hot weather conditions. Unfortunately for us, Del Rio is a place where mosquitoes thrive.
Mosquitoes have an elongated mouthpart to feed on plant nectar and other sweet liquids. Females use that same mouthpart to pierce the skin of their animal and people hosts and feed on their blood. The females need to bite us and feed on our blood is why these pests are so unwanted on our properties.
The Dangers of Mosquitoes: Are They a Threat?
Mosquitoes are dangerous; the female's feeding habits allow them to spread pathogens and parasites that make people and animals ill. More than being annoying, mosquitoes are a significant health risk, and avoiding as much contact with them is always best.
The best way to avoid being repeatedly bitten by mosquitoes is to implement a mosquito control program to reduce mosquitoes on your Del Rio property.
Why Do I Have a Mosquito Problem?
Several things will attract the attention of mosquitoes and cause them to become a problem on your property.
- Lots of flowering plants provide them with nectar, which is their primary food source.
- Leftover food and drinks that again provide them with a source of sugar.
- Excess standing water offers mosquitoes breeding sites.
- Tall grass, overgrown shrubs and trees, and yard debris provide mosquitoes with shady daytime hiding spots.
Though the above things certainly will attract mosquitoes, know that mosquito populations are just naturally high in our region. Avoiding mosquito problems in your Del Rio home is best done by partnering with professionals.
Where Will I Find Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes live wherever there is standing water because female mosquitoes lay their eggs on standing water. After the eggs hatch and develop into new biting adults, they hang around the same area, breeding, building their populations, and searching for food sources.
Places that collect standing water in our Del Rio backyards include wading pools, clogged gutters, potted plants, low-lying areas, and containers like buckets and trash cans.
How Do I Get Rid of Mosquitoes?
While there is no way to completely rid our Del Rio yards of mosquitoes, by working with a knowledgeable professional, you can significantly reduce their presence. At Gold Star Exterminators- Del Rio, we offer year-round mosquito control services to help our homeowners take back their yard from mosquitoes. With our help, you, your friends, and your family can enjoy your outdoor space any time of the year. Please call today to learn more about mosquito control in Del Rio or receive a free estimate.
How Can I Prevent Mosquitoes?
The best way to prevent problems with mosquitoes on your property is to remove as many breeding sites as possible. Since females lay their eggs on standing water, you must remove standing water from your property. Keep gutters clear of debris and make sure your yard has good drainage. Do not overwater your grass or gardens. Fill in low-lying areas that allow rainwater to collect and store containers upside down when not in use.
Yard clutter, trash cans, wading pools, and pet bowls also allow standing water to pool, and mosquitoes use them as breeding sites.
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