Stinging Insect Identification & Prevention
Your Guide To Avoiding Stinging Insects

Encountering stinging insects in Del Rio, TX, is unpleasant for property owners, and you need to deal with infestations using professional removal tactics.
Frequently Asked Questions About Stinging Insects
What are stinging insects?
Many types of stinging insects exist. While some ground-dwelling creatures are also in this category, the classification of stinging insects generally includes hornets, wasps, and bees with a stinger at the end of their abdomen. Many stinging insects are aggressive and have yellow and black striped patterns, though some stinging insects may have solid colors of red, brown, black, or yellow. Gold Star Exterminators can help you with proper stinging insect identification.
Hosting stinging insects around your yard often results in serious problems as these pests multiply, create nests, and buzz around your property, putting you and those you care about at risk from stings.
Are stinging insects dangerous?
Insect bites and stings from stinging insects are dangerous due to the possibility of allergic reactions caused by these attacks. Stinging insects typically only sting things they perceive as threats, but accidentally passing too close to a stinging insect nest or swatting at one of these pests may result in one or more stings.
Stinging insect stings are painful and can potentially cause reactions such as anaphylaxis, which will need immediate medical attention. Professional removal of stinging insect nests is necessary to protect you from direct and dangerous exposure to these pests.
Why do I have a stinging insect problem?
Stinging insect problems start when these insects invade properties with plenty of food, moisture, and nesting areas in easy reach. Properties with lots of sweet-smelling flowers, piles of brush or debris, overgrown foliage, and food or drinks left outside will quickly attract stinging insects, especially in the late summer and fall when these pests are most active.
Where will I find stinging insects?
Stinging insects most commonly nest in trees, under porches and decks, in the eaves of buildings, or even along the side of buildings and in holes in the ground. If they invade interior spaces, stinging insects typically build their nests in attics and the open voids between walls.
How do I get rid of stinging insects?
The best way to get rid of stinging insects on your property is by investing in help from our team at Gold Star Exterminators. We provide reliable stinging insect control in Del Rio to safely remove these pests, protecting you from painful stings and dangerous health issues.
Contact us today to request a free estimate, or get started and let us remove the worst stinging insects from your property.
How can I prevent stinging insects in the future?
Support our expert stinging insect removal solutions with the following prevention tips to make your property less hospitable to stinging insect invaders:
- Substitute sweet-smelling flowers and plants for plants that help repel stinging insects, such as peppermint, geraniums, and lemongrass.
- Always clean up food and drink spills from outdoor areas and make sure that trash cans have tight-fitting lids to stop odors from attracting stinging insects.
- Clear away long grass, overgrown foliage, and piles of debris or woodpiles on your property to remove stinging insect hiding spots.
- Remove outdoor pet food and cover compost piles to stop stinging insects from scavenging in these areas.
- Address moisture issues around your property to stop damp or humid conditions from attracting stinging insects and their pest prey.
Reach out to Gold Star Exterminators for stinging insect removal at the first sign of these dangerous pests, and make your property safe once again.
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