Scorpion Identification & Prevention
Stopping Scorpions In Their Tracks

Scorpions crawling around your property bring nothing but trouble. Our team at Gold Star Exterminators is ready to help you stop these pests in their tracks.
Frequently Asked Questions About Scorpions
What are scorpions?
Scorpions are predatory arachnids commonly seen in warm, arid areas and desert climates. There are many different types of scorpions around the United States, but the species most common in our area is the striped bark scorpion.
Scorpions can be identified by their eight legs, a set of large pincers at the front of their body, and a segmented tail at the back of their body that possesses a barbed stinging tip. Professional scorpion control is necessary to combat these pests when they infest and to protect you from accidental stings.
Are scorpions dangerous?
While scorpion stings from all species of this pest might be painful, most scorpions don’t possess a life-threatening amount of venom. That being said, scorpion stings received by the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, or young children can have serious consequences. Symptoms of scorpion stings include muscle twitching, nausea or vomiting, headache, and high blood pressure. Serious symptoms that require immediate medical attention include severe pain, difficulty breathing, and difficulty swallowing.
To avoid the dangers that scorpions bring to your property, contact Gold Star Exterminators to help with scorpion control the moment this pest appears.
Why do I have a scorpion problem?
Scorpions typically flock to properties in search of cool, dark spaces to hide, pest prey to eat, and moisture. If you have lots of cluttered and overgrown areas outdoors, crevices and gaps around your property, pest prey infestations such as an infestation of spiders, and moisture problems, you are likely to deal with a scorpion infestation.
Where will I find scorpions?
Scorpions are typically found hiding in dark and cool areas during the day, emerging at night to catch prey. Outdoors, you will find scorpions hiding in piles of brush or debris, around woodpiles, or in the cracks of your property’s foundation. If scorpions get inside your property, they will be seen hiding around storage boxes, in the back of closets, or around basements.
How do I get rid of scorpions?
Get rid of scorpions the easy way by contacting Gold Star Exterminators for professional assistance. Our expertly trained technicians know all about scorpions and can help you identify hiding spots in addition to tailored treatment plans to remove this pest from your property. With our help, you won’t need to expose yourself to the danger of scorpion stings using DIY tactics or store-bought remedies that may be hit or miss.
Contact us today for a free estimate or to learn how we can help protect your property from scorpion infestations.
How can I prevent scorpions in the future?
Once Gold Star Exterminators has removed your scorpion problem, follow our prevention tips to keep these troublesome arachnids gone for good.
Steps to keep scorpions off your property include:
- Cut down long grasses in outdoor areas and remove piles of debris, wood piles, or other cluttered areas to eliminate scorpion hiding spots.
- Fill in cracks and gaps found around the pavement of your property or your property’s foundation.
- Address scorpion pest prey infestations with the help of Gold Star Exterminators.
- Fix moisture issues that might be leading to a buildup of water around your property, as this attracts scorpions and other pests.
- Add window and door screens to your property’s doors and windows to stop scorpions from invading.
Reach out to Gold Star Exterminators today for more information about scorpion prevention or for assistance with scorpion removal.
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