Fire Ant Identification & Prevention
Keeping Fire Ants Off Your Del Rio Property

Fire ants can be some of the toughest outdoor pests to keep off your Del Rio property. These ants build huge mounds in your yard, and they don't typically try to live in your home. The fact that it's unusual to find fire ants in your house makes it extremely difficult to exclude them.
This means if they decide your lawn is a great place to set up shop, you could wind up with dozens of fire ant hills in your yard before you know it. That's why it's vital to work hard to prevent fire ants before they invade.
Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Ants
What are fire ants?
Fire ants are an invasive ant species that originally hails from South America. They were introduced into the United States in the 1930s inside soil that was used as ballast for cargo ships. Because these ants come from equatorial regions, they do quite well in areas that are hot — and we have heat in spades here in Texas. This means there's not much in the way of natural barriers to fire ant population growth, and the population of these ants has exploded in the decades after they invaded the U.S.
Are fire ants dangerous?
Fire ants are capable of stinging, just like bees and wasps. They inject venom that causes pain, swelling at the site of the sting, and itching afterward. Fire ant stings are generally not considered dangerous. Though these ants swarm just like hornets if their nests are disturbed, their venom is not toxic enough to do serious harm.
The only exception to this is those who are allergic to fire ant or bee stings. If you have an allergy to bee stings, you probably are allergic to fire ants as well. In this case, it's important to be careful, as these stings can cause anaphylaxis.
Why do I have a fire ant problem?
Fire ants are attracted to places where they can get easy and convenient food and moisture. If your property has a lot of moist soil, uncovered garbage, or other food sources for these ants, they may come running. They may also set up shop on your property if you have soil they consider easy to tunnel through and mold to their liking.
Where will I find fire ants?
Texas fire ants prefer to stay outside. You might occasionally find them infesting your home, but this is not the typical fire ant infestation. Most of the time, you know you have a fire ant infestation because you have a yard full of their giant mounds. Fire ants don't live in normal ant hills. They build large mounds that can sometimes be up to a foot tall and a couple of feet in diameter. This means if you have fire ants on your property, it will be pretty obvious.
How do I get rid of fire ants?
Unfortunately, it's very difficult to get rid of fire ants in Del Rio because the ant control products that you can buy at the store are generally ineffective. Most of the time, they just stress the colony out, which causes it to spread in an effort to protect itself. This not only means ants will be moving around, but it could potentially also mean they multiply faster.
For this reason, it is best to contact fire ant control professionals. Here at Gold Star Exterminators, our ant control products are a lot more effective than storebought granules. We don’t want to just temporarily reduce the ant population on your property or make them spread out. Our goal is to eliminate them entirely to give you a fire ant-free summer.
How can I prevent fire ants in the future?
Because store-bought fire ant treatments are usually so ineffective, the best thing you can do about fire ants on your own is work to prevent them. This comes down to making your property less attractive to them:
- Keep all trash cans on your property tightly covered.
- Store pantry foods in airtight containers.
- Feed pets and clean up uneaten foods and dishes right away.
- Deal with moisture problems, such as leaky pipes or poorly draining soil.
- Harvest fruits and vegetables from your garden as soon as they’re ripe.
Making it difficult for ants to access food on your property can encourage them to move on to where the pickings are more convenient. But if even these measures don't work, don't forget the local home pest control experts at Gold Star Exterminators are just around the corner.
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