Brown Recluse Spider Identification & Prevention
Frequently Asked Questions About Brown Recluse Spiders

What are brown recluse spiders?
Brown recluse spiders are a species of spider that lives in and around the Del Rio, Texas, area. These light brown spiders have darker violin-like markings on their backs. The identifying violin-like marking will darken and become more noticeable as the spiders age.
Another notable feature of the brown recluse spider is its eyes. Unlike most spiders with eight eyes, these spiders only have six eyes arranged in three rows of two.
Like other spiders in Del Rio, brown recluse spiders have two body segments, eight legs, and fang-like mouthparts. They also produce silk, along with venom they use to paralyze and capture their prey.
Are brown recluse spiders dangerous?
Brown recluse spiders are one of the most dangerous spiders in Texas. The good news is that while they are dangerous, they are not aggressive. These spiders are naturally shy and reclusive, as their name reflects. Bites from these spiders are typically accidental and occur after someone unintentionally comes into contact with them. Things like reaching into cardboard boxes and closets or putting on an article of clothing with a hiding spider can lead to a bite.
The venom that brown recluse spiders produce is potent enough to trigger serious health problems in people. If bitten by one of these spiders, you will likely experience the following:
- Fever
- Chills
- Vomiting
- Ulcerated skin
- Skin infections
If you spot brown recluses spiders on your property and suspect a bite has occurred, it is crucial to reach out to a medical professional.
Why do I have a brown recluse spider problem?
Brown recluse spiders become problematic on properties that provide them with safe, sheltered spaces to build their webs and plenty of insect prey. Unfortunately, most of our Del Rio yards offer an environment where brown recluse spiders can thrive. Favorite hiding spots that brown recluse spiders will take advantage of in our yards include leaf piles, wood piles, general yard clutter, and clutter in outbuildings like sheds and garages. Like other predators, brown recluse spiders live in areas that put them in close contact with their prey.
Where will I find brown recluse spiders?
Brown recluse spiders are spiders that actively chase down prey. These spiders do build webs; their webs are usually irregularly shaped and made at ground level. They use their webs to rest during the day. Brown recluse spiders are primarily nocturnal and hunt for their insect prey at night. During the day, these spiders retreat to dark hiding spots.
Inside our houses, brown recluse spiders often hide in places like folded linens, bedding, under furniture, and the back of cabinets or closets.
In Texas, there are many harmless brown spiders that look like brown recluses. If you spot brown spiders on your property, reaching out to a professional is key to providing an accurate identification.
How do I get rid of brown recluse spiders?
If you spot brown recluse spiders on your property, don’t hesitate to contact us at Gold Star Exterminators - Del Rio. We are a local pest control company that understands the unique needs of property owners in Del Rio.
Our professionals will provide the services to get rid of brown recluse spiders and eliminate and control the insects they prey upon. Implementing regular spider and insect control services is the best way to maintain a pest-free home or business. Contact us today to learn about our residential or commercial pest control solutions.
How can I prevent brown recluse spiders in the future?
Prevent problems with brown recluse spiders in the future with the help of these tips:
- Store wood piles away from the exterior of your home.
- Clear away yard debris from your yard, especially under decks and porches.
- Instead of storing items inside your home in cardboard boxes, use plastic containers with locking lids.
- Keep doors to basements, garages, and outbuildings closed whenever possible.
- Replace torn weatherstripping, screens, and trim.
- Maintain a clean kitchen to make your home less attractive to the insects brown recluses like to hunt.
To keep brown recluse spiders away from your home, reach out today. We are here to provide effective spider control in Texas to avoid issues with these dangerous spiders.
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